I send out weekly letters with updates on what I’m building, reading, and thinking. It’s often accompanied by a new thinkpiece or essay about whatever I'm currently exploring.

You too can join this community defined by exquisite taste and extreme coolness.

This practice started off during my 50 days of writing in 2023 as an update letter to 10 people – my parents, mentors, and a couple of friends. Since then, a bunch of (very cool) strangers from around the world have started to follow along.

The letters now take the following structure

  • accouterments (sic.): a detailed list of everything I’ve found interesting that week

  • writing: any new writing I’ve done here, on blasé raire or anywhere else

  • reading: my fav essays and papers from the week

  • listening, watching, and personal updates with 35mm photos (if you care)

06/24/2024 - schopenhauer and shouldlandia

06/19/2024 - power of subconscious + nietzsche + don toliver

06/12/2024 - out east + magic + doing whatever you want

06/05/2024 - i went viral! + how to reject a rejection

05/29/2024 - hey guys! welcome to my vlog...

05/22/2024 - accouterments, my secret society, & vibing

05/13/2024 - life, liberty, and the pursuit of sabbatical

02/22/2024 - debuting my learning journal + an ask

02/16/2024 - i'm back + an essay about the kind of life i want

06/27/2023 - what is a problem worth solving? what to work on?

06/21/2023 - finding my lead to get out of a rut

05/23/2023 - Kinder, Küche, Kirche

05/19/2023 - how to think

05/17/2023 - taste + career advice + solo travel

05/14/2023 - A Guide to US Biotech Investing

05/13/2023 - Becoming Euler's Identity

05/11/2023 - DTC Strategy, TikTok Stardom, Social Enterprise

05/10/2023 - 365 Days of Pathology

05/09/2023 - equity in tech + paintings

05/08/2023 - answering a question 10 years later

05/07/2023 - my quarter like crisis

05/06/2023 - policymaking with fiction + integration SaaS for systems of record

05/03/2023 - notes on structuring unstructured data with metadata frameworks

05/02/2023 - Against Forced Decorum

04/30/2023 - hoarding money in art and airpods ruining the world

04/26/2023 - AI’s Impact on Human Identity & vice-versa

04/25/2023 - Curiosity Without Insecurity

04/24/2023 - How To Come Up With An Idea ft. my bestie

04/23/2023 - Scottish Terriers and Machines

04/22/2023 - Translating Strategy to Code

04/21/2023 - Drugs Drugs Drugs

04/20/2023 - Hello New Friends + Updates + New Essays

04/15/2023 - Playboi Carti: A Generation-Defining Genius

04/14/2023 - Playing In The Biggest Leagues

04/13/2023 - Confession Albums

04/12/2023 - The Whole Is Greater Than The Sum of Its Parts

04/12/2023 - Ramanujan Theory Working Link / The Ramanujan Theory of Genius

04/10/2023 - A New Social Internet?

04/09/2023 - How To Learn Things

04/08/2023 - Interviewing my boss + tasty morsels

04/05/2023 - Hello + New Pieces

04/02/2023 - Digital Pathology 2.0

04/01/2023 - Consistency