hi, i’m aishwarya! i am devoted to curiosity-driven learning and exploring different ways of being. i am also perpetually seeking clarity of thought.
currently in R&D on a new project
i write essays and send out weekly letters (they’re back!).
also documenting this electric juncture in my life.
some thinking that has resonated with others:
A Case for Strategic Ignorance by Design
rejecting my rejection
Transcendence: An Emergent Career Life
The Ramanujan Theory of Genius
From Physics Envy to Biology Envy
How To Know What To Do
Pāṇini’s Sanskrit for AI
Playing In The Biggest Leagues
previously i’ve mostly worked in biotech, specifically in AI assisted diagnostics and clinical decision support.
grad school; worked on human-machine collaboration pathways for clinical AI systems at cambridge [link]
undergrad; worked on diagnostic tools for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy at ucalgary [link]
i run an in-person Bhagavad Gita reading group. it’s a closed group, but i wrote a guide on how you can start your own.
email is aishwaryakhanduja [at] gmail
twitter is @aishdoingthings
i love to meet new people – feel free to email me to chat.